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Rev Dr Theresa F. Koch holds her Masters in the Science of Parapsychic Science and has worked in the paranormal field for
over three decades. She is a Certified Meditation Teacher, medium, freelance photographer and writer whose uninhibited work
inspires people in all walks of life, including other photographers and artists, several of whom have publicly praised her
work. Many of Theresa's poems have been published. Her poetry is admired for its spiritual beauty and its truthful expression
of the poet's love for the Creation in northern Alaska. Theresa holds the title of Rev Dr. through World Christianship Ministries
where she was given Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity Feb 1st 2001.
Paranormal Gifts: The Gift of Sight, and medium, testing shows me at an Empath 10. Animal communication
has been something I have had since a child. I have my Masters in Parapsychic Science and am a certified Holistic Health Practitioner.
I am initiated into the Great White Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. Theresa holds the title of Rev Dr. through
World Christianship Ministries where she was given Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity Feb 1st 2001.
Photography & Writings Property of Theresa F Koch